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The Mindful First-Responder Project


Mindfulness is the practice of present moment awareness. First Responders work under incredibly challenging conditions. A Mindfulness practice can provide relief from burnout, reduction in stress and anxiety, a sense of calm under pressure, and the ability to be “in the zone” while on the job.


Program Goals

Learn to respond rather than react, cultivate calm under stressful circumstances, foster self-compassion, aid in emotional regulation, deal more intentionally with difficult people and situations, allow for emotional space in making split-second decisions, provide perspective and self-awareness, bolster working memory, increase focus and attention, facilitate better communication, ease various forms of pain, bring about non-judgmental awareness, understand how to bring less of your own baggage to the job, and heighten your ability to be in the present moment.


Class Information 

The Mindful First Responder Project curriculum was developed by combining two different Mindfulness courses: MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction which focuses on stress and anxiety reduction while increasing concentration and awareness) with MAC (Mindfulness Acceptance Commitment program which has the main purpose of increasing focus, concentration, human performance, and self-regulation. This is the program that is currently being used by today's elite athletes like the Seattle Seahawks, Golden State Warriors, Olympic athletes, and the U.S. Marine Corps).


  • 8-week course, 1 - 1 1/2 hours per class, Classes held at your facility


Contact North Georgia Mindfulness Project:



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